Hey everyone.
First I want to geek out for a minute. Criminal Minds. Season 4 Episode 3. You all know I'm a TV buff. But this is the only occurrence I've seen of a crossover of the cast of LOST and Star Trek: Enterprise. This particular episode has both Jeff Fahey (Frank Lapidus) and Connor Trinneer (Charles "Trip" Tucker III) in it, and I for one love all three TV shows and freaked out a little when I saw it all together like that.
In other news, I'm watching Criminal Minds right now. Good show. I recommend it.
But the real reason I'm here tonight is to talk about my weekend. My one last bastion of freedom and individuality. I spent last weekend in Oklahoma. I dunno if I've said much about how I feel about Oklahoma, but let me put it this way. To some, I'm only known for my catch phrase, "fuck Oklahoma." I hate it. I hate the state, the schools, the back country people, the way they call Oklahoma City "The City," the country music, the cops, the roads... everything. Everything about it is awful. The only good thing about that twisted, inbred, terrible state is their camping - the one place in the state untouched by the awful citizens.
Now, with that said, I had a pretty good weekend. My brother, for some ungodly reason, chose to go to OSU. Not the better known Ohio State, but good ol' Oklahoma State University, located in the middle of nowhere bumfuck Stillwater, Oklahoma. I met up with his girlfriend in town and we drove up. Now, this is a four hour drive with no rush hour, but we left Friday afternoon in the heart of it.
(please excuse me if I sound like a rambling idiot through any of this, I just finished off a bottle of wine I opened about 3 hours ago.)
Usually when I visit Connor, my brother, I drive alone. I blast music and enjoy what little scenery OK has to offer. This time I had Kayla. She's great. We went to high school together. I was her senior section leader when she was a freshman. Remember those blog posts from then? When I talked about how awful my section was? She was one of the exceptions. She was great. We all loved her. In the end, though, Connor won her and they've been dating for awhile. Plus, she's at Baylor now, so we have that in common too. So we went to Stoolwater together and made a grand ol' road trip out of it.
And we talked the way up and down. And I realized something. I talk. A lot. It's uncontrollable. I think when I moved back to Dallas and started effectively living alone, with my own thoughts and no one to share them with, I just about snapped. Like I mentioned last time, I need this blog. And it's something I didn't have for a long time, so I have a lot to say. Maybe too much. I don't get to vent. So when I finally had an audience trapped in a car with me, I couldn't stop. I vented. And reminisced. About high school, about Baylor... about whatever I could. I am a story telling fiend.
Too much so, I think. You'd think it'd be a two way conversation, right? It was sometimes. But I talked so much. I finally had someone to talk to. Someone who could relate. Someone right there and in person. And I just unloaded. I feel so bad about the whole thing.. I even realized while I was doing it. That little voice in my head was screaming, "shut up Kyle! It's her turn! Why are you going off on some tangent that didn't relate AT ALL to the original topic of discussion. Shut up. SHUT UP."
I'm probably exaggerating it a little. It wasn't so bad. We had a good car ride and good conversations. But I feel like I talked at least 80% of the time. I'm so wrapped up in myself and my memories and I love to talk about it all. I talked about high school. College. Religion. Relationships. You name it, I talked on and on about it.
Eventually, we were in Stilly. We met up with Connor and his roommates. Soon after, his two roommates decided it was time to go to bars. Now, I wasn't about to pass up a good bar on a Friday night, and besides, the two needed some alone time. So I went to some bar with the two roommates. They both went to Coppell, one was a trumpet. I know both of them; we're all good there. It's not like I decided to go bar hopping with some strangers.
Another little side track.. I stopped smoking awhile ago. Maybe six weeks? I dunno, I haven't kept track. That's a whole other post waiting to happen about bettering myself, but I'll get to that later. The important part is that I've been actively trying to stop smoking. So you can imagine the dilemma I faced when we got out of the car and I found a pack of 19 cigarettes on the ground. If you don't smoke, you don't know the minor excitement that comes with seeing a pack on the ground, not knowing if it's empty or not. Usually it is. Usually someone has thrown it on the ground when it was empty, just casually littering like they would any other cigarette butt. But the optimist in you has to check. Every time. This time it paid off. Nearly a whole pack of them. It was a gold mine. And I didn't have the self control to say no. So the rest of the night I justified it by sharing with whoever wanted one. I even gave them away to strangers who I overheard saying they were bumming cigs all night. Oh what's that? You say you're looking for a cigarette? Well, friend, it's your lucky fucking night, I'm giving them away. I was a philanthropist that evening. Afterwards one of the roomies and I went to his friend's place and hung out till about 5 or so, then I headed home.
Three hours later, my brother woke me up to go golfing, but there was a competition on the course, which destroyed our plans there and left acting a bit like a zombie, as anyone tends to do without plans and working on 3 hours of sleep. I ended up playing Peggle all day. If you don't know what Peggle is, look it up. It's basically a cellphone game. I first played peggle on my iPod Video, before the iPhone existed. It's evolved, to say the least. So I played it for hours on the household xbox, until I couldn't think straight and hated myself. It's one of those games that makes you just give up on life after awhile. So after my brother's midday nap and my masochistic video games, we decided it was about time we did something productive. We went shopping for stuff. That's right. Shopping because we were bored. Now, shopping for me is a little different than girl shopping. I came home with a case of PBR and new whiskey glasses.
The case of Pabst was for beer pong for the evening. We only drank 6 of them, if that explains how the evening went that Saturday night. Kayla had a few friends over, Connor had a friend show up, but largely it was just us playing beer pong. I've accepted that I'm wildly out of practice. I was a god at beer pong back in college. All those times I mentioned those parties, beer pong was a staple, and I was just killer at the table. Those days are long over, and I'm just so, SO mediocre now. Freshman can beat me. It's sad.
But I met a few new people and we had a good enough time, and now I have 26 PBRs that I'm not sure what to do with. Sunday Connor had work, so we visited him there, had some of his amazing pancake brunch, and then had the trek home, which was more of the same Kyle talk Kayla listen to Kyle ramble and talk and talk and talk that I mentioned earlier.
All in all? A pretty solid weekend. But that pack of cigarettes might have destroyed my urge to quit. I caved and after claiming 'last cigarette ever' on the way home, AGAIN, I went and bought a pack today. I don't have any self control. Not for something so readily available and so addictive. But again, that's another story for another time.
I promised not to complain about work, but today I found out I was passed up for another spot with a new job description. I won't call it a promotion, but it was something besides taking calls from idiot homeowners all day. And they decided on someone else, even with insiders on my side and actively (and avidly) recommending me. I'm so thankful to Reem for trying, but big boss man does what he wants, and choosing me wasn't what he wanted, I guess. So that was a downer today, but all in all, the past week hasn't been bad at all, and the outlook keeps getting better. Tomorrow I'm going to an FC Dallas game - major league soccer, you should check it out - and Thursday I'm going to play golf with an old high school friend. It's an exciting week, as far as work weeks are concerned, so be happy for me, even through all my venting and depression.
See y'all soon. Maybe next time will be the time for that story for another time.
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